Paper is paper, right?

Isabella Sobral
3 min readFeb 17, 2022
Me and the so hard to find types of paper mentioned ;)

Well, for most people, the answer is yes, but in my case, the answer is a huge no!
Let me share more about this with you while I post my first public text in English.

While planning to move abroad, you have to think deeply about several aspects of your life and priorities, but no matter how well prepared your move, everyone I know took something for granted.
In my case, I feel very frustrated about what I took for granted, and the only reason I am sharing this is to prevent other paper designers from making the same mistake.

The mistake, or should I say mistakes? Canada and USA are paper paradise! Look at the crazy amount of options that those scrapbooking stores have. "I can't wait to get my hands on those!" — and so on, I thought…

Indeed they do have many scrapbook options and endless white paper alternatives. But for colours, it is not the same story… At least for what I could find! And I did ask around as much as I could.

So, on my ongoing adventure to find new paper suppliers, I realized that:

  1. Everyone thinks that paper is paper.
    As a paper artist, I do not agree with that and should not forget that!
    In case that you forgot, as I did… Do not worry; you will face reality within days! For starters, USA and Canada do not work with the same sizes as Brazil or the rest of the world.
    From the A sizes (A1, A2, A3, A4…) to the B sizes, the US Letter Size paper does not fit on this, and we could have a history class to answer why.
    Of course, there are many paper suppliers and many options but probably not how you think.
  2. If the weather, distances, measures and everything else has changed. Why would the paper be different?
    Be aware gsm will become pounds (lb), and the conversion is not easy but is easy to find on google, do not waste time on this.
    It became uncomfortable for me when it came to the availability of colours on higher thicknesses and sizes. I work with high thickness cardstock colours and found only two brands that don't require spending more than a hundred dollars to import per colour. One worked, the other not that much.
  3. Consider yourself lucky If you use cardstock, buy high thickness papers in your neighbourhood, and you have a paper supplier with all you need on speed dial.
    I used to have it easy and thought that Canadians had it too, after going to every craft store within one hour's distance of my house. I could not find a supplier as I had
    I have reached out to many suppliers in other cities and countries. Although the manufacturers have representatives in Canada, they do not sell particular materials that I am used to buying and are a valuable part of my work.
  4. Sometimes you will not find what you are searching for.
    Take this opportunity to brainstorm about what you can do until you find your way. Come up with alternatives and plans to keep going.
  5. Please do not give in to the frustration of all you never had to give much attention to, and it now keeps you from doing what you want.
    Sometimes is tempting, but this search will allow you to navigate all the new paths and find a new way of doing what you do best.
What’s so special about this paper? I could write all day about the depth and luminosity, and movement that made me start using this technique above textured paper. Maybe another day :)

Fingers crossed I am starting to look into other alternatives and hopefully will have better news to share here.

